At a time when web’s video has become the No. 1 Digital vector, we create for you custom-made video contents
in HD and 4K, dedicated to web, combining high quality image and strong editorial.
We can support you on the social networks :
Editorial Contents Web Series Web Tv Viral Clips Blog…
Our expertise covers from the production of innovative and exclusive video contents for medias (Figaro Nautisme, Météo Consult…A Vivre Edition, Edicom, Profession CGP), Brand contents, to the creation of Web Tv (Maxiboat Tv dedicated to Yachting - Luxury - Lifestyle), or Blog (Plein Gaz).
They have trusted us :
MaxiBoat Tv, la Chaîne du Yachting Luxe Lifestyle, Plaisance, Yachts, Bateau à moteur, Water Toys, Salons nautiques, Evènement nautique, Art de vivre
Bloc Marine
Figaro Nautisme, Plaisance, Voile, Bateau à moteur
Meteo Consult, Chaîne météo, Les bons conseils de l'été